Hadrosaur Productions News
News Updates
Tales of the Talisman remains closed to all submissions. Please note: Tales of the Talisman is now
on indefinite hiatus. Issues have been produced through volume 10, issue 4. We will make an announcement
here and on our Facebook page if and when we are
ready to consider more submissions. David Lee Summers has posted
an update about the magazine's hiatus at his blog.
Despite the magazine's hiatus, the parent company Hadrosaur Productions has
continued to publish novels and anthologies. Be sure to visit our other page to see what's new! We have a comic book in
production that will be available exclusively through the Hadrosaur web store, select retail outlets, and at conventions
where we have a dealer's table.
Tales of the Talisman and its publisher, Hadrosaur Productions, are on Facebook
at www.facebook.com/TalesOfTheTalisman.
If you are on Facebook, please like our page for updates!
Editor David Lee Summers has a blog at
http://davidleesummers.wordpress.com. Every now and again he posts information
that may be of interest or help to writers who would like to write for Tales of
the Talisman, so please feel free to stop by. Keep in mind that
some entries go back many months, what is stated there as a policy at one time is
subject to change.
Our e-mail address for submissions and queries is: hadrosaur@zianet.com
To learn where David Lee Summers and Hadrosaur Productions will be, visit
David Lee Summers' Calendar Page!
Our address is:
Hadrosaur Productions
c/o David Summers
P.O. Box 2194
Mesilla Park, NM 88047-2194
For e-mail submissions and more info: hadrosaur@zianet.com.
Please put the word, "Hadrosaur" in the subject line of your message.
Finally, just a little bit about the people of Hadrosaur Productions:
Kumie Wise is the general manager.
William Grother is the publishing director and associate editor of
Tales of the Talisman.
Laura Givens is the art director for
Tales of the Talisman.
David Lee Summers is the editor and webmaster.
Please write to us with any of your questions or concerns about Hadrosaur Productions
and its products.